Can Dental Implants Really Be Done In One Day? What You Need To Know

At most dental offices, getting a dental implant takes multiple appointments over a period of 6-7 months or longer. But what if you want immediate results in Green Bay? At Dental Studio 920, we’re here to help. Thanks to our advanced surgical tools, we can restore your missing tooth in one day. Read on to learn more, or contact us now to schedule a consultation today. 

Unique Technology To Provide Same-Day Treatment 

Thanks to our advanced technology such as 3D printers, CBCT 3D scanners, and intraoral cameras, we can complete the dental implant process in just one day. 

What To Expect From Treatment – The Same-Day Implant Process At Our Office 

First, you’ll need to consult with Dr. Sam Schmidt to determine if dental implants are right for you. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to get your implant right away, but most patients will need to come back later to get their same-day implant. 

Here’s what to expect once your procedure begins.

  • Preparing and numbing the surgical site – To begin the process, your dentist will clean your mouth and numb the area. We also offer sedation to keep you comfortable.
  • Placing your dental implant – Your Green Bay dentist will make a small opening in your gum and jaw tissue, based on your surgical treatment plan. A small piece of titanium will be placed into this opening. Then, your dentist will sew the area shut with sutures to ensure it heals properly.
  • Crafting your temporary crown – We’ll take detailed scans of your teeth and provide you with a comfortable temporary crown that looks and feels just like a real tooth.
  • Crown placement – Once your final crown has been built, it will be placed onto your implant and attached to restore your tooth and your smile. Then, you’ll be sent home with further instructions on how to recover.
  • Follow-ups & future appointments – You’ll need to come back to Dental Studio 920 for a few follow-ups to check your healing progress. Once your mouth has fully healed, you’ll also need to come back to have your temporary crown replaced with a permanent crown.

We Have The Amenities You Need To Stay Comfortable During Treatment 

At Dental Studio 920, we offer a variety of amenities for patients during their treatment. From refreshing beverages to noise-canceling headphones and more, we have everything you need to stay relaxed and comfortable while you get a same-day dental implant.

Contact Dental Studio 920 For An Appointment In Green Bay! 

Dental Studio 920 uses the latest technology and innovative implant dentistry techniques to deliver the best same-day dental implant experience in Green Bay. But don’t just take our word for it. Contact us online or give us a call at (920) 399-0428 for a consultation, and see if you’re a good candidate for a same-day implant in Green Bay.

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