Dental Bonding in Green Bay

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is the process of building up the structure of a tooth by bonding composite resin to the tooth enamel, which restores damaged or worn down teeth and covers up aesthetic imperfections that cause insecurity in one’s smile. 

Tooth bonding is a temporary fix for restorative and cosmetic issues with the teeth but it can last for up to 10 years and is a quick fix for unexpected chips, cracks, or discoloration. Be proud of your smile again with dental bonding. Contact Dental Studio 920 to schedule a consultation.

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Did you know…

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Dental bonding is a painless procedure that usually doesn’t require a local anesthetic.

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The Dental Bonding Process: What to Expect

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Dr. Schmidt will need to perform an oral exam to determine if dental bonding is suitable to treat your teeth. Severe damage to teeth may not be suitable as well as active oral health problems.

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Shade Guide

Dr. Schmidt will use a shade guide to match the resin to your natural tooth shade. We recommend performing any whitening before this to achieve your desired shade.

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Composite Resin Application

Composite resin is painted onto the tooth in layers. This fills in any holes, chips, or cracks, and covers up discoloration. The resin is molded, shaped, and trimmed to achieve the desired shape.

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Once the resin has been applied and shaped, we will bond the resin to the tooth using dental cement and UV light. Additional shaping, trimming and polishing can be performed once the resin has hardened.

What Can Dental Bonding Fix?

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Damage, Chips & Cracks

Composite resin is the same material used in composite dental fillings, which fill cavities for an aesthetic appearance that doesn’t cause a silver appearance in your smile. Likewise, tooth-colored composite resin can also be used to build up the tooth structure so that minor damage to the teeth like eroded enamel, chips, and cracks can be filled in as if they were never there.


Minor orthodontic problems such as small gaps can be masked with dental bonding. Instead of needing to undergo braces or clear aligner treatment, we can simply fill in the space by building out the width of your teeth. 

Sometimes gaps are natural and sometimes they’re caused by injury. No longer worry about people staring at your front teeth by closing the space between your teeth with resin. Such a small detail can have a huge impact on your smile.


Tooth discoloration and staining is a very common problem that most of us face in some form in our lives. From tobacco products and coffee to red wine, soda, and dark-colored sauces, there are so many things we regularly consume that negatively contribute to discoloration. 

Dental bonding can cover up tooth stains and yellow teeth by using a tooth-colored resin that is several shades lighter than your discolored teeth. Think of it as a long-lasting teeth whitening treatment!

Misshapen, Small & Sharp Teeth

Some patients have teeth that are abnormally round, sharp, short, small, or unevenly shaped. This can cause insecurity in your teeth and your smile. By combining dental bonding with tooth contouring, we can completely transform the appearance of your teeth.

Did you know…

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Dental bonding is often combined with tooth contouring, where a small amount of the tooth enamel is filed down before building the tooth back up.