Restorative Dentistry in Green Bay

What is restorative dentistry?

The term "restorative dentistry" can be used to describe a variety of dental procedures that help patients restore their dental health and regain confidence. Restorative treatments are great for patients who have had an injury, tooth decay, or gum disease. It can be as simple as filling a cavity or as individualized as replacing a missing tooth. Contact Dental Studio 920 today!


Did you know…

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Dental issues can worsen and become more severe and costly the longer you leave them untreated.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (920) 399-0428 today!

What to expect at your initial restorative appointment

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Comprehensive Exam

Oral exams are a crucial part of any dental appointment. A comprehensive oral exam is an examination that covers the entire mouth and includes screening for oral cancer, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and other issues that may affect your teeth, gums, or jawbone. This type of exam can also be referred to as a "full mouth" or "comprehensive" exam because it checks every area of your mouth for potential problems.

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Personal Treatment Plan

After your exam, you and your dentist will work together to develop your personal treatment plan. A treatment plan is a detailed outline of the recommended procedures and services. Typically, it includes a timeline for each service and information about what you can expect to happen during your appointment.

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Options and Alternatives

We understand that all smiles are unique and as such, no treatment plan is one-size-fits-all. We take the time to walk you through all your possible treatment options to choose the right course for you based on your budget, schedule, and goals. Whether it’s scheduling your next consultation or getting you in for a filling, we’ll take it one step at a time, together.

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Sedation Solutions

Our team is committed to ensuring safe and comfortable dentistry. For those who are nervous about their treatment or have difficulty sitting still due to dental anxiety, we offer a variety of sedation options. If you are interested in sedation, we will gladly discuss your options with you and determine what is best for your situation.

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Appointments & Follow-Ups

If you are coming to us to treat a dental emergency, you’ll need to receive treatment as soon as possible. In these cases we may be able to offer same-day care, depending on availability and the severity of your issue. Otherwise, after your cleaning and initial exam, we will simply schedule your next follow up appointment. We’ll be sure to get you in for a day and time that is convenient for you.

Restorative Treatment Options

View our services

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a common dental procedure used to restore teeth that have been decayed by cavities or compromised by other damage. Your dentist can use different materials for the filling depending on your oral health and the location of the damage. Composite resin, gold alloys, metal amalgam, porcelain, and glass ionomer cement are all types of material traditionally used in fillings. If you have a cavity, it is important that we address it as soon as possible to prevent further damage. If left untreated, a cavity will eventually require more invasive procedures like root canal therapy or extraction to restore your oral health.

Lab-Made Crowns

Lab-made crowns are created by a dental technician at an outside lab. These dental prosthetics restore damaged teeth, covering the entire tooth down to the gum line. Your dentist will first trim your tooth and shape it into a strong platform for attaching your new crown before taking an impression or scan and sending it to our state-of-the-art partner lab where they will craft your custom restoration.

While your custom crown is being made in the lab, we will place a temporary crown and send you on your way. When we receive your permanent crown from the lab, we will have you come back for a quick placement appointment. We will check the fit and make sure it sits comfortably in your smile.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic that replaces one or more missing teeth. The process of installing the dental bridge will involve placing crowns on the two adjacent teeth and cementing them together to support the new tooth.

The advantages of having a dental bridge are numerous, but they include better chewing ability, improved speech, less sensitivity from exposed roots, and an overall improvement in oral health because it supports natural teeth.

Oral Surgeries

Sometimes oral surgeries may be needed to prep your mouth for dental implant treatment, remove teeth that are growing in improperly, or correct severe orthodontic issues.

Bone grafts are another common oral surgery that helps replace jaw bone mass and promote regrowth. Patients who have weakened jawbones due to periodontal disease, tooth loss, or the natural aging process may be good candidates for this treatment. Bone grafts are often done prior to a dental implant placement to ensure the jaw bone will be able to retain an implant.

Extractions may be needed if a patient is receiving full dentures or full-arch dental implants. Because a full-arch of artificial teeth requires the extraction of all remaining teeth, we will only recommend this treatment option if we can not restore your smile using other, less invasive procedures.

Did you know…

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Over 3 million Americans have replaced missing teeth with dental implants.

Interested in restorative services?

Call (920) 399-0428 to schedule
an appointment.

Have questions about restorative dentistry? Find answers here.

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What issues can restorative dentistry solve?

Restorative dentistry comes with many benefits such as preventing tooth decay, keeping your mouth healthy and looking good! Restorative dentistry can restore the form and function of damaged and missing teeth and prevent further damage from occurring. Also, if you’ve experienced dental trauma due to an injury or an accident, restorative dentistry can help you get your smile back!

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What are the benefits of restorative dental procedures?

Restorative dental treatments seem like a daunting process, and one that many people would rather avoid. However, thanks to modern techniques and advanced technology, restorative dentistry is more comfortable and convenient than ever! By getting restorative dental treatment when you need it, patients can avoid future complications and more costly procedures. By getting the care you need, you can save time and money in the long run and get peace of mind knowing that you are doing right by your smile. Restorative dentistry not only restores your oral health, but also gives you back your confidence and improves the overall appearance of your smile too.

What is considered a dental emergency?

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A dental emergency is any condition that requires immediate attention which you can not treat yourself. This includes persistent toothaches, oral pain or discomfort, broken or chipped teeth, missing dental work, and bleeding gums. If you’re not sure if you’re experiencing a dental emergency, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Contact our office right away to get the emergency treatment you need.

Is restorative dentistry covered by insurance?

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Some insurances cover at least a portion of the cost of necessary restorative procedures, but the extent of your coverage may vary based on your policy. For example, your dental insurance provider may cover a simple filling or root canal, but may not offer full coverage for dental implants. To better understand your coverage, we recommend getting in touch with your insurance provider to understand your financial responsibility, if any. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have and would be glad to help you maximize your insurance benefits at our office.

Did you know…

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About a quarter of American adults are missing all of their teeth. Restorative dentistry can help you avoid tooth loss altogether.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Click here to schedule today!