Clear Aligners in Green Bay

What are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are a modern and virtually invisible method of straightening your teeth without the use of traditional braces. They are custom-made for each patient and work by gradually shifting your teeth into the correct position. Clear aligners offer a comfortable and discreet alternative to metal braces, making them a popular choice for both adults and teens. They are made from a clear, BPA-free plastic material that fits snugly over your teeth, providing a smooth, comfortable fit. With clear aligners, you can achieve a straighter, more confident smile without the discomfort and inconvenience associated with traditional braces.

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Did you know…

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Clear aligners are removable, making it easier to eat, brush, and floss!

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The Clear Aligners Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation

The first step in the clear aligners treatment process is an initial consultation with Dr. Landree at Dental Studio 920. During this appointment, Dr. Landree will evaluate your teeth and oral health to determine if clear aligners are the right treatment option for you. She will discuss your goals and expectations for treatment, and answer any questions you may have. If you are a suitable candidate for clear aligners, Dr. Landree will take digital impressions of your teeth to create your custom aligners.

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Receiving Your Clear Aligners

Once your clear aligners are ready, you will return to Dental Studio 920 to receive them. Dr. Landree will ensure that they fit correctly and comfortably, and provide instructions on how to wear and care for them. You will typically wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. Each set of aligners will gradually shift your teeth into their correct positions.

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Regular Check-ups

Throughout your treatment, you will have regular check-ups with Dr. Landree to monitor your progress. These appointments are typically every six to eight weeks. During these visits, Dr. Landree will ensure that your aligners are working effectively and make any necessary adjustments. She will also provide the next set of aligners in your treatment plan.

The Benefits Of Clear Aligners

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One of the main benefits of clear aligners is their comfort. Unlike traditional braces, which can cause discomfort and irritation, clear aligners are made from a smooth plastic material that fits comfortably over your teeth. There are no metal brackets or wires to poke or irritate your mouth.


Clear aligners are also incredibly convenient. They are removable, which means you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. This makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during your treatment. Plus, without dietary restrictions, you can continue to enjoy all your favorite foods.

Discreet Appearance

Perhaps the most appealing benefit of clear aligners is their discreet appearance. They are virtually invisible when worn, making them a great option for those who want to straighten their teeth without the noticeable look of traditional braces.

Did you know…

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Clear aligners can straighten teeth in as little as 6 months!

Have questions about teeth whitening? Find answers here.

Can teeth whitening damage teeth?

Professional teeth whitening that is overseen and administered by a qualified dentist will never damage your teeth. Your dentist will ensure that you get the proper whitening products and that you do not over whiten your teeth.

However, it is possible to damage the teeth by over whitening them. The peroxide-based whiteners used in the teeth whitening process can weaken the teeth and damage the enamel if they are not used properly, or are used too frequently. 

For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening kits from sources like Amazon and other websites, which could contain dangerously-high levels of peroxide. 

If you do not want to pay for professional teeth whitening services from your dentist, make sure you only use ADA-approved whitening products like Crest Whitestrips. ADA-approved products have relatively low concentrations of peroxide, so the risk of enamel damage from over-whitening is much lower.

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Which teeth whitening products actually work?

There are two categories of teeth whitening products that actually work. 

The first are abrasive whiteners, such as toothpaste that contains baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and other very mild abrasives. These abrasives work similarly to sandpaper, rubbing plaque and surface stains away from your teeth. These abrasive whiteners work on minor stains, but the abrasive is not strong enough to damage enamel. 

It is recommended that you avoid charcoal toothpaste, which has abrasives that may be hard enough to damage your enamel with frequent use. Stick to an ADA-approved whitening toothpaste product.

The second category of teeth whitening products that actually work are chemical whiteners that contain peroxide. These are available both from dentists and over-the-counter, but it’s best to work with a dentist to get your desired results, and ensure that your teeth are not damaged by over whitening. 

To explore your options in further detail and make sure you choose a safe, effective teeth whitening product, get in touch with your dentist for a consult.

Why does teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

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The precise reason that whitening causes sensitivity is not fully known, but the leading theory is that it’s due to “dentinal microtubules.” These extremely small, microscopic channels in our teeth connect the exterior of the tooth enamel to the interior nerve, allowing us to feel sensations in our teeth.

The theory is that, since peroxide-based whiteners weaken the enamel very slightly, this exposes the microtubules, which become much more sensitive. Then, as the enamel remineralizes and becomes stronger after the whitening process is over, they are sealed up again, and no longer feel overly sensitive. This would explain why the sensitivity caused by teeth whitening typically only lasts for a few days.