How Long Will My Dental Crown Last?

A dental crown is a common prosthetic used to restore the strength and look of a badly damaged tooth. Unfortunately, crowns don’t last forever, and a damaged one cannot protect the natural tooth from cavities.

If you have one or even more dental crowns, check out this short blog post to understand how long they last, how to tell if yours is damaged, and what to do to improve its lifespan.

Dental Crown Average Lifespan 

Dental crowns can also last around 10–15 years with the right care, but it can also depend on the type of dental crown you have. 

The most durable ones are metal crowns, which can last over 20 years on average. Unfortunately, these crowns are not as desirable for cosmetic reasons. 

But you can get durable results with crowns that use a combination of ceramic and metal, which are also popular because they look like natural teeth. 

What Are the Most Common Signs That Your Dental Crown Is Damaged?

There are cases when patients immediately notice their crown is damaged. For example, if you bite down on something hard, you might notice the crown is chipped or cracked. The same goes for when the crown falls out, for whatever reason. 

But sometimes damage can occur more subtly. Here are some signs that your crown might need some attention:

  • Noticing a change in its shape (due to a chip)
  • Feeling a sharp edge that wasn’t there previously
  • Seeing visible damage, such as a line that goes through the crown
  • Noticing pain and swelling from the tooth the crown is protecting, etc. 

If you see the dentist for routine visits every six months, they can keep a close eye on your dental crown and notice early signs of damage. In some cases, crowns can be fixed with dental bonding or through drilling, especially if the damage is minor.

How to Improve Your Dental Crown’s Lifespan 

If you want your dental crown to last for decades, follow these key steps:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, but preferably after every meal
  • Floss every night before bed
  • Don’t chew on hard objects
  • Wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth
  • Avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (which helps encourage saliva production to flush away food particles and bacteria)
  • Get routine dental cleanings once every six months 

Dealing with a Damaged Dental Crown? We Can Help 

If you’ve noticed your dental crown is damaged or have an older one that doesn’t do the trick anymore, Dr. Sam Schmidt can help upgrade you to a quality lab-made crown that can last for decades. 

Request a visit to Dental Studio 920 online or call our office at (920) 399-0428 if you want to learn more about our services and how we can help.

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